Magical Elixirs - Soul Remedies
All remedies are made with water, alcohol, lots of love and mineral, crystal and full moon energy. 
All Is well Inc. / (845) 340-4450 / /
How amazing would it be if we could feel unconditional love? If we could give and receive it freely?  What if we could feel unconditional love for ourselves?  Imagine affection without limitations…. loving another no matter what differences there may be.. imagine loving the self without any judgement.  If you are struggling with giving and receiving love in your life or if you are having a hard time not beating your self up for any reason this remedy may be for you.
Call or text (845) 340-4450 to place an order.   All major credit cards accepted. For clients ONLY.  If you are not a client and would like to purchase these remedies, I encourage you to call All Is Well, Inc at 845 340-4450 or email It’s easy to become a client! 
Unconditional Love