Cyndy DiBeneditto, CTN
Medicine Woman, Psychic Intuitive, Creative Mystic
Holistic Health Coaching
 Congratulations on taking charge of your health and wellbeing! There is no better time than now to adopt an holistic lifestyle.  Holistic modalities can help you stay healthy and prevent dis-ease down the road.  They can also help you keep your immune system strong in these unsettling times! If you have been trying natural medicine on your own and it hasn't worked you might want to consider Holistic Health Coaching. The information you learn you will use for a lifetime. Holistic Health Coaching is for those who: 1. Have been interested in natural medicine and would like to learn how to start incorporating it into their lifestyle. 2. Already take herbs or supplements and would like more education about them. 3. Have been to health food stores and got conflicting information about what may work to reach their goals. 4. Have certain wellness goals and are not sure how to reach them. 5. Have chronic physical challenges and would like to learn how natural medicine may complement your current medical protocol. 6. Have been trying a natural protocol and feel stuck because it is not working for you. 7. Have wanted a more mind/body approach to wellness. I can take the guess work out of which modalities to try, what vitamins or herbs could work for you, what the basic steps are and the sequence to do them in.  The information you learn will help you for a lifetime! Here’s how it works... 1. You will have a 1 ½ hour Wellness Assessment - This is a mandatory session to be able to work with me.  In this session we discuss your current health challenges, past health concerns, your goals, options that could help you and a wellness action plan.  By the end of the session you will have a plan that you can start right away to reach your goals.  This session does not include nutritional education. Cost is 225.00  This fee does not include herbal remedies. 2. You have the option of scheduling an “Eat Smart” session to help you with the nutritional guidance you need. This session is also 1 ½ hours. I believe proper nutrition is the most important thing to learn when it comes to your health and wellbeing.  You are what you eat AND digest!! This is a very important session for those who would like to learn more about nutrition and get suggestions for healthier food choices.  We will fine tune your current nutrition plan according to your individual wellness goals.  In this session I will work with you on choosing the best foods to help you reach your wellness goals. I highly suggest it!  This session includes: 1. Evaluation of current food choices 2. Information on how to incorporate good nutrition into your lifestyle 3. Support with your current food plan 4. What foods to avoid or keep to a minimum 5. What foods to add for optimum health 6. An individualized food plan that will meet your current wellness goals Cost is $225.00 3. Follow up sessions - Most of my clients choose to speak with me monthly to help them stay on track and adjust protocols if necessary.  It is best to plan on working with me for at least 6 months. After that we can speak less often depending on what you believe your needs are.  You have the choice of either a 25 minute session for 60.00 or a 45 minute session which is 100.00. These fees do not include herbal remedies etc.  4. Remote Energy Healing Sessions (optional) - In these sessions I work with your auric field remotely, adjusting the electro-magnetic field of energy that surrounds and penetrates your body. The session is 45 minutes and the cost is 100.00. Read more about them here.